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How many ICU beds are available in Houston? Depends whom you ask.
Only 27 ICU beds available for 6.6 million people in Greater Houston Area; state says total of 329 i
COVID-19 patients waiting for available beds in the Houston area
Texas Medical Center leaders explain reformatted ICU bed capacity data
ICU beds fill up as COVID-19 cases rise
Houston to hit another COVID-19 milestone as ICU beds in medical center near surge capacity
Mayor Turner's hospital bed estimate contradicts Texas Medical Center's numbers
Houston hospitals report a third of region's ICU beds are now occupied by COVID-19 patients
100 percent of regular ICU beds in Texas Medical Center occupied, but hospitals have space for surge
How long is the wait for a hospital bed in the Texas Medical Center? Between 6 hours and 6 days
Texas hospitals inundated with patients, ICU beds near capacity
Houston runs out of hospital beds as COVID-19 surges across South l GMA